I Left a Female Friend of Mine at a Nigerian Bar. Here’s What Happened.
Discover the power of appearing to be interested in other people
I left a female friend of mine at a bar somewhere deep in Eastern Nigeria.
She knew only two words of Igbo, the local language, Ee, and Mba (yes and no).
Noticing that she was alone and obviously far from home, a drunken man approached and started speaking to her.
She responded occasionally with an Ee or Mba.
When I returned later, my friend was still in conversation with the drunk.
Only using the same two words.
The drunk found my friend to be a very interesting person, without her needing to say much. Simply because she listened to him.
Then it hit me.
In conversations with anyone, would it not be better to intentionally listen to what the other person has to say? As opposed to trying to put on a show of your brilliance.
That way, they’ll be interested in you without you saying a word.
To be interesting, be interested.
In April 2022, I delivered a presentation to a state government in Nigeria for a project I had…